Welcome to Seventh-day Wellness! Seventh-day Wellness is dedicated to whole-body wellness. This includes the mind, body, and spirit of an individual -- making one whole.
Seventh-day Wellness is a Christian-based site; however, we believe that all can find benefit from its pages. Seventh-day Wellness contains information based on the best research we have been able to find. However, we do not claim any healthcare expertise. The information herein should not be take as that or above that of a Medical Professional. Always consult your doctor before starting any new diet plan or exercise program. Please use all the information on this site at your own risk and at the discretion of your healthcare professional. With that said, we believe this site will provide you with valuable information and insight and hope that you allow yourself to enjoy living your own, holistic lifestyle! A New Look for the New Year!
This year Seventh-day Wellness is going to try out a new look! The new look will be launching on January 1st, 2013. Please let us know what you think! Your input counts and we are always striving for the best!
Update Information
This site (inclusive of all areas) is updated Sunday - Friday. As complies with our name and mission, we do take a seventh-day rest, even from this site.